
The Greatest Branding Solution For Your Business


Effective date: February

Respects your right to privacy and is dedicated to managing your information responsibly and taking appropriate measures to secure it online. We must abide by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which went into effect on May 25, 2018, just like any other organisation. With the goal of safeguarding the rights, freedoms, and privacy of all EU individuals, the GDPR imposes stricter guidelines on businesses regarding the handling of personal data. That new law is unaffected by Brexit.

The methods described in this privacy policy describe how we get personal data from you and how we handle the data you submit. By using the www.grandbrandinguk.com website, you agree to the policies outlined in this privacy statement. If you do not consent, please do not submit any personal data to us and stop using our services.


The following terminology must have the following definitions in this privacy statement:

Data Controller: Grand Branding UK, a company with a UK registration, is the data controller for www.grandbrandinguk.com. This means we are responsible for deciding how and why we hold and use your data.

Account: This refers to an account that is necessary to use and access specific sections and functionalities of our site and services.

Our Website: You can reach us online at www.grandbranding.com.

Any information about a specific individual who can be identified from that information, either directly or indirectly, is referred to as personal data. Here, it refers to any personal information you provide to Us through Our Site or any other One of Our Services. When appropriate, this definition will include the definitions included in the EU Regulation 2016/679, often known as the General Data Protection Regulation (or “GDPR”), and the Data Protection Act of 1998.

Information We Gather About You
Any information that can be used to identify a specific individual is referred to as personal data or personal information. Data that has had the identity erased is not included (anonymous data). Different types of personal data that we may gather, use, store, and transmit are categorised together as follows:

  1. A complete name, username, or other comparable identification, title, birthdate, and gender are examples of identity data.
    Phone numbers, email addresses, and billing addresses are examples of contact data.
  2. Bank account and credit card information are examples of financial data.
  3. Transaction data contains information about payments to and from you as well as additional information on the services you have bought from us.
  4. IP addresses, login and account information, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser plug-in kinds and versions, operating system and platform, and other technological information on the devices you use to access the GrandbrandingUK website are all considered technical data.
  5. Any username and password, orders or purchases you have made, your preferences and hobbies, as well as comments and survey answers, are all considered profile data.
  6. Usage data comprises specifics regarding your usage of the services and website operated by GrandbrandingUK.
  7. Your choices for receiving marketing materials from us and our third-party vendors, as well as your communication preferences, are included in the marketing and communications data.

Additionally, for any purpose, we gather, utilise, and distribute aggregated data, such as demographic or statistical data. Although aggregated data may come from your personal data, it is not legally regarded as personal data since it does not directly or indirectly reveal who you are. We might combine your usage data, for instance, to determine the proportion of visitors to a certain website feature. However, we treat combined data as personal data that will be used in compliance with this privacy notice if we connect or combine aggregated data with your personal data in a way that makes it possible for it to identify you either directly or indirectly.

No special categories of personal data—such as information about your race or ethnicity, political ideas, sex life, sexual orientation, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health information, and genetic and biometric data—are gathered by us about you. Furthermore, we do not gather any data regarding criminal convictions or offences.


How do we collect your data?
We collect your data through different methods. Personal data is provided to us when you:

Make an online reservation for our services,
register for an account on our website, ask to receive marketing, participate in a poll, contest, or campaign, or utilise our contact forms to provide us with feedback.


We gather your personal data for what reason?
In order to run our business and provide you with services, we need to collect data. Only in order to deliver our services, is the personal data acquired for lawful purposes.

We will only use information that you provide, that we obtain from reliable third parties, or that we have permission to use. If you give us permission, we may use any of your preferred contact channels—including email, phone, and others—to provide you with pertinent information. You have the easy choice of opting out or unsubscribing from all communication channels.

Not providing personal information
We might not be able to carry out the terms of the contract we have or are attempting to enter into with you if you refuse to give us the personal information we need to comply with legal requirements or contractual obligations, such as when we need to gather personal data in order to provide you with services. In this situation, we might have to cancel offering you a service, but we will let you know if that happens right away.

Utilisation Information Additionally,

We might gather data about the usage and accessibility of the Service (“Usage Data”). This Usage Data may contain information like the Internet Protocol address (IP address) of your computer, the type and version of your browser, the pages you visit on our service, the time and date of your visit, the amount of time you spend on those pages, unique device identifiers, and other diagnostic data.

Service Companies

We may utilise outside businesses and people (referred to as “Service Providers”) to help us deliver our service, handle service-related tasks, enable our service, or help us analyse how our service is used.

These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

In some cases, we might have to provide your data in response to legal requirements or legitimate requests from public authorities (such as a court or government agency).

To track and examine how our service is being used, we might work with outside service providers.

Google Data
Google provides website traffic tracking and reporting through its web analytics service, Google Analytics. Google tracks and keeps an eye on how our service is being used. Google shares this information with its other services. Google may utilise the information gathered to contextualise and tailor its own advertising network’s advertisements.

By adding the Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on, you can choose not to have Google Analytics track your activity on the service. The add-on stops Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js, analytics.js, and dc.js) from exchanging visit activity data with Google Analytics

Cookies are little data files that could contain an anonymous unique identification. Cookies are little files that websites send to your browser and store on your device.

You may set your browser to alert you when a cookie is being sent or to reject cookies altogether. On the other hand, you might not be able to use all of our Service if you reject cookies.

Examples of the cookies we employ are:

Cookies for sessions. To run our service, we make use of session cookies.
Cookies of preference. To keep track of your preferences and other settings, we employ preference cookies.
Cookies for security. For security reasons, we employ security cookies.

How long do we keep your personal information on file?

We will only keep your personal information for as long as is required to achieve the goals for which it was obtained, including meeting any obligations pertaining to accounting, reporting, or law.

  1. The quantity, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the possibility of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of your personal data, the reasons we process your personal data and whether we can accomplish those purposes in another way, and the relevant legal requirements are all taken into account when determining the appropriate retention period for personal data.
  2. When we process your personal information for marketing reasons or with your consent, we do so until you ask us to stop, and then we keep the information for a brief while longer (so we can carry out your request).
  3. We keep contact, identity, financial, and transaction data about our clients for six years following their termination of service in order to comply with tax laws.


Data safety
We have implemented the necessary security measures to guard against the unintentional loss, alteration, disclosure, or use of your personal information. Additionally, we only give contractors, employees, agents, and other third parties with a legitimate business need to know access to your personal information. They are obligated to maintain the confidentiality of your personal information, and they will only process it on our orders. While data security is crucial, keep in mind that no electronic data transfer or storage technique is 100% safe. Although we work hard to safeguard your personal information using methods that are acceptable to businesses, we are unable to ensure complete security.
When required by law, we will notify you and the Information Commissioner’s Office of a breach and have protocols in place to handle any suspected breach involving personal data.


International Transfers
It is possible for your data, including Personal Data, to be moved to and kept on computers situated outside of your nation, state, or other governmental jurisdiction where data protection regulations may be different from those in your jurisdiction.

Please be aware that if you choose to give us information while you are not in the UK, we will transmit and process your data—including your personal data—in the UK.

Your agreement to the transfer is shown by your acceptance of this Privacy Policy and your submission of such information.

We will take all reasonable measures to guarantee that your data is handled securely and in compliance with this privacy policy. Your personal data will not be transferred to another organisation or nation unless sufficient safeguards, such as those pertaining to the security of your data and other personal information, are in place.

Connections to External Websites
There may be links within our service to external websites that are not run by us. You will be taken to the website of the third party you clicked on if you click on one of their links. We strongly suggest that you go over each website’s privacy statement.

We disclaim all liability and control over the privacy practices, content, and policies of any third-party websites or services.


Our service does not address anyone under the age of 18 (“children”)

We do not intentionally gather personally identifiable data from those who are younger than eighteen. Please get in touch with us if you are a parent or guardian and you know that your child has given us personal information. We take action to delete information from our servers if we learn that we have obtained personal data from minors without getting parental approval.


We may post the updated Privacy Policy to let you know about any updates we make from time to time. Before the change takes effect, we will notify you by email and/or post a noticeable notice on our service. We will also update the “effective date” at the top of this privacy policy.




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